Fantastic News for Walkers.
With the help of a grant from the London Mayor Walking/Cycling Fund
HMHB now have three healthy walks.
We have been walking in Clissold Park (Hackney) since November 2016.
We have been walking in Highbury Fields (Islington ) since April 2023.
We launched our new walk in Finsbury Park in the Spring of 2024
Do come along and join us.

Our Clissold Park relaunch in February 2023.
Terrific group with newbies. New Posters and Flyers available.
Do join us - details at the bottom of the page.

What is Izzwalkz?
Healthy Minds, Healthy Bods offers free opportunities for people to be more active. The easiest way to do that is to introduce group healthy walks. Thus, our Izzwalkz initiative was created in Islington.
It is dedicated to providing and promoting walks that are fun, interactive, and in particular have an emphasis towards social inclusion. Most of the walks will be during the daytime, although we are researching some evening walks.
Aimed at adults, following research, we have found a large number of walkers will be the older generation, or people out of work for whatever reasons.
Therefore, our walking programs are deliberately designed so that anyone can join in and feel welcomed, but also provide an opportunity to improve your fitness.
We currently manage one in Clissold Park, and are partners in one on Highbury Fields, with plans for others soon.
Who is Izzwalkz for?
Izzwalkz is for anyone who wants to get outdoors and meet up with like minded people.
Anyone can go for a walk at any time, but being in a group enables to interact and enjoy the walk more. The walk is for adults and we are able to accommodate people of all walking speeds.
It is especially important for people who, perhaps, live on their own, as this can enable them to meet up and chat with people. It also benefits those who have some physical or mental issues as exercise boost one's confidence and well-being.
.Joan explains why she loves Izzwalkz

Why walk?
Walking is an excellent form of exercise and physical activity, helping you reach the recommended minimum of at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise five days a week. It is convenient, free, good for the environment, and you can go at your own speed. Brisk walking, that raises your heart rate and makes you warm and a bit breathless, is a great example of aerobic exercise.
A good walk can:
a. Make you feel happier: exercise releases endorphins and serotonin which improves your mood, reducing stress, depression and anxiety.
b. Improve your brain power: exercise improves learning, concentration, abstract reasoning, memory, organisation, planning, and ability to multitask. It even stimulates brain cell regeneration.
c. Help you sleep better; regular activity promotes better sleep, although strenuous exercise just before going to bed is not advised.
As well as keeping you fit and in good shape, staying active will help you prevent a whole range of health problems in the future. Meeting recommended physical activity targets by walking reduces risk of;
1. High blood pressure
2. High cholesterol
3. Coronary heart disease (could lead to angina, stroke, heart attack)
4. Type 2 diabetes
5. Certain types of cancer (esp. Colon, Breast, and Lung)
6. Osteoporosis (weight-bearing exercise can strengthen bones)

Where & When?
Clissold Park
Meet outside
Highbury Grange Medical Practice
Highbury Grange, N5 2QB
11am - Every Thursday
Our partners: Highbury Grange Medical Practice and Clissold Park User Group.
First walk: November 2016.
Routine: Every Thursday, we meet at 11am outside Highbury Grange Medical Practice, we then make our way to Clissold Park for a walk of around one hour to one and a half hour before returning to the centre. A leisurely walk with laughter and friendship, available to all.
Initiative supported by: London Mayor Walking/Cycling Fund.
Finsbury Park
Meet outside
LIDL, Seven Sisters Rd.
Park Entrance.
9:30am - Every Monday
Our partners: NHS Medical Practices, Park Pharmacy, Better Gyms.
First walk: October 2023.
Routine: Every Monday, we meet at 9:30am outside Lidl, Seven Sisters Road, we then make our way into Finsbury Park for a walk of around one hour to one and a half hour before returning to that entrance. A leisurely walk with laughter and friendship, available to all.
Initiative supported by: London Mayor Walking/Cycling Fund
Highbury Fields
Our partners: Better Gyms and Islington Central Medical Centre.
First walk: March 2023.
Routine: Every Wednesday, we meet at 9:30am outside Highbury Leisure Centre for a three lap trip around Highbury Fields. A leisurely walk with laughter and friendship, available to all.
Initiative supported by: London Mayor Walking/Cycling Fund.